What happens and when - Years 13 and 14 (Age 17-19)

5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

The annual review process continues.

Your EHC plan may be ceased if you are:

  • accessing higher education (e.g. university)
  • accessing paid work
  • aged 18 or over and have left education and you no longer wish to do any further learning.
  • leaving the local authority and moving to another area. 

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If you need SEN Transport to get to your post-16 setting, you will need to re-apply each year. It is not an automatic entitlement after compulsory school age.  You may want to ask your parent/carer to help with this. Your parents/carers will have to make a contribution. You may be able to get a 16-19 bursary to help with this cost.  Ask your post-16 provider for information about this. 

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Continue to look at a range of options, such as:

  • supported employment
  • apprenticeships
  • work-based learning
  • work-related learning at college
  • paid work
  • self-employment 
  • higher education
  • volunteering

Consider applying for a 16-19 bursary to help with education costs. Ask your post-16 provider for more information.  

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Short break services for children (e.g. SNIPS, Direct  Payments) will normally end when you turn 18. 

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If you are receiving support from children’s social care, you may need support from adult social care.  You should now have been referred to the social care transitions service. 

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Consider opening your own bank account for benefits and other money once you turn 18. (See page 44)

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People over the age of 18 may have to contribute towards the cost of any support they receive. The local authority will carry out a financial assessment to check how much you can afford to contribute towards your care and support. 

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Parents/Carers can ask the Sheffield Carers Centre for a carer’s assessment when you turn 18.

You might want to think about independent travel training.  This is to help you travel from home to college on your own. 

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Look at any out-of-school/college activities you want to do. This may include time spent away from home and the local area. 

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Have a look for local community spaces you may be able to access such as parks and libraries.  

Annual health checks continue with a GP for people with Learning Disabilities.  This is for those aged 14+.  

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You may need a continuing health care (adults) assessment.  Health professionals involved should consider if this is appropriate.  They will agree who is best placed to complete it.

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