What happens and when - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (age 7-11)

5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

Schools and education support services will become involved to help with any additional needs of a child. SEN Support should be offered by the school if a child has additional needs.  You can read more about this here.

They would assess if an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan should be applied for.  These plans are for if help is needed for a child that isn't normally available in school.  You can read more about EHC Plans here.

If a child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan

Annual reviews should take place at least once a year.  This is to make sure the outcomes and provision in the plan are up to date.

Outcomes should be around the four preparation for adulthood areas:

1. employment, education and training
2. independent living
3. community inclusion, friends and relationships
4. health

If a child is moving from a Primary school to a Secondary school, it is important a review takes place before they move.

From at least Year 4, begin to think about secondary schools.  School choices are asked for in the summer term between a child moving from Year 5 to Year 6.  Secondary school places are confirmed by 15th February each year.

Children at this stage should be able to:

  • talk about different careers and education options
  • have access to career related role models
  • start to build a personal profile of interests and ambitions
  • have school sessions from visitors on their careers

Begin to look at secondary schools in the local area from around Year 4.  If a child doesn't have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) then applications are made through School Admissions.  If they have an EHCP, SEND Statutory Assessment and Review Service (SENDSARS) will send out a letter asking for school choices.  Settings will also discuss this at the EHCP annual review at the end of Year 5.

Children at this stage should be able to:

  • have sleep-overs and go on residential trips
  • cook at school and home
  • understand money – paying for snacks in school
  • go shopping
  • move around the school independently
  • have travel training
  • understand transport and road signs

Children at this stage should be able to:

  • go to youth and after-school clubs
  • learn how to be safe on and offline
  • know their local area
  • walk short distances alone
  • make and have friendships
  • understand what bullying is
  • manage change

Children at this stage:

  • can manage minor health needs g. asthma
  • can have an obesity check
  • can tell you about any pain or health problems
  • start puberty
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