5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

At the annual review of your EHC plan, discuss what support you will need in your next setting (if applicable).  Talk about what needs to happen so you have a smooth transition.  Make sure you tell them about your hopes and views for the future.

SENDSARS will ask for your post-16 choices over the summer term of Year 10 into autumn of Year 11.  

The local authority must issue an amended EHC Plan naming your post-16 setting by 31 March.  Applications need to be made in good time before this date.

When you turn 16, some rights around EHC plans transfer from your parents to you. 

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If you think you will need SEN Transport to get to your post-16 setting, you will need to apply and return the forms by 14th July. You may want to ask your parent/carer to help with this.  You must do this even if you currently travel on SEN transport. Please note that post-16 transport is not free. Your parents/carers will have to make a contribution. You may be able to get a 16-19 bursary to help with this cost.  Ask your post-16 provider for information about this. 

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Continue talking about future plans and look at a range of options. Ask your school about post-16 support and planning advice.

Apply for school sixth form or college place. Please visit www.sheffield.gov.uk/schools-childcare/apply-school-place for information on school sixth form or college place application deadlines.  Check websites for open evenings/days. Use the search facility on www.sheffieldprogress.co.uk to find courses and apply online. 

Look at work experience you have completed and plan further opportunities if needed.

Most post-16 education is 16 hours per week. This can be spread across 3-5 days depending on the course and setting. Think about what you will do on the remaining days and any support that you need. 

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REMEMBER: The school year finishes early in Year 11.  This is regardless of whether you are taking exams or not. It finishes either on the last Friday in June or earlier because of study leave. Check with your school in good time so you can plan what to do when you are not in school.

It is assumed you will be able to make many decisions for yourself once you turn 16.  Services will often contact you direct. The Mental Capacity Act is about people age 16+ who are unable to make some or all decisions by themselves.  

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You might want to think about independent travel training.  This is to help you travel from home to school or college on your own.

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On turning 16, you will be reassessed under PIP (Personal Independence Payment).  This is if you have been getting DLA (Disability Living Allowance) as a child.  Ask your parent/carer about this. 

When you are 16 it is usually expected that you take on responsibility for any benefits you claim. If you are unable to manage this, your parent or carer can become an ‘appointee’ for benefit claims. 

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Think about how to maintain your friendship groups after school ends. Plan how to keep in touch with others and vice versa.

You are now considered old enough to consent to your own medical treatment. If you are unable to do so, the Mental Capacity Act applies.  

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Annual health checks continue with a GP for people with Learning Disabilities.  This is for those aged 14+.  

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From 16, adult services start to provide healthcare for you. This depends on the service, so seek advice from the team. 

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Once you turn 16, you must attend the Accident and Emergency department at the Northern General Hospital if you need emergency treatment. 

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Fill in Sheffield’s Health Passport which provides key information for health professionals.

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