5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

The local authority can maintain an EHC plan until you turn 25. They will end/close the plan if you move onto higher education, paid work or leave education. 

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As long as the EHC plan continues, the local authority must continue to review it each year. Relevant services should still be involved in the annual review process.

If you have an EHC plan and leave education but then decide to return, the local authority will consider if the previous EHC plan should be reopened and renewed.  This is only if you are under 25 years old.

It is possible that you will have to go through the full EHC needs assessment if there have been major changes.      

If you are 19, you cannot remain in a special school. This is unless you are doing a secondary education course that you started before you were 18 years old.  You will need to move to college if you wish to continue your education or training.

Continue to look at a range of options, such as:

  • supported employment
  • apprenticeships
  • work-based learning
  • work-related learning at college
  • paid work
  • self-employment 
  • higher education
  • volunteering

Think about support needed for you to access services via Job Centre Plus. For example, a Disability Employment advisor and Access to Work funding. 

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Start to have a look at a range of housing options. 

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You may want to access an advocate to help you get your views across.  See the Sheffield Advocacy Hub for more information.

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You might want to think about independent travel training.  This is to help you travel from home to college on your own. 

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Stay in touch with friends and make plans for socialising.

Look into any specialist social groups/youth groups that you may want to attend.

You and your parent/carer could also buddy up with others who are in the same position.  You could create your own groups supported by personal budgets/direct payments etc.

If you are moving to university, have a look at the support that is available.  Look at what there is in the wider community. 

Annual health checks continue with a GP for people with Learning Disabilities.  This is for those aged 14+.  

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