Important Local NHS Health Services - Transition Guide

These are some of the important local NHS Health Services in Sheffield.  Click on the drop downs for more information.

If your needs are health related, then you could be suitable for continuing healthcare for adults when you turn 18.

If you already get support from children’s continuing care

Your assessing nurse in that team will work with you and your parent/carer.  This is to make sure that your package helps with the move to either:

  • social care support,
  • into continuing healthcare for adults
  • back into the care of your GP.

If you have children’s continuing care it does not mean that you will automatically get continuing healthcare for adults.

If you are not known to children’s continuing care

If you think you may need continuing healthcare for adults, a checklist should be completed when you are 17 years old. The Checklist can be completed by health and social care workers. This could include:

  • registered nurses employed by the NHS
  • GPs,
  • other clinicians or
  • local authority staff such as social workers, care managers or social care assistants.

This should send this to NHS Continuing Health Care Team (adults).  This is to check if you are suitable for NHS continuing healthcare for adults.

If you have a learning disability, you may be able to get support from the Community Learning Disability Team.  This is once you are 18. You can ask them for support by contacting the team either on:

The CLDT service offers specialist health care assessment and interventions.  An intervention is something put in place to help you.  These include:

  • psychiatry
  • psychology
  • occupational therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • speech and language therapy
  • community nurses

You might be invited to attend a transition clinic with the Community Learning Disability Team.  This is to see what help is available.

If you have autism or ADHD and no related learning disabilities, you can be referred to SAANS. 

This is for assessment, support and counselling over the age of 16.

Useful contacts

Sheffield Children’s Hospital

They have information about transition.

Click on the logo to find out more.

Text says sheffield children's NHS foundation trust

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

They offer advice, help and information on health issues.  They keep this private so no-one else needs to know if you don't want them to.  They help patients, their families and carers. 

They are open Monday - Friday 8am-4pm.

Click on the logo to find out more.

Text says NHS

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (Adults)

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals have a transition service. The service have children’s nurse specialists in an adult setting. They organise the transition for complex health needs.

Sheffield Teaching Hospital also has a Learning Disability Service.

Please contact the Transitions Team for more information.

Find out more by clicking on the logo.

Text says Sheffield teaching hospitals NHS foundation trust

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