5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

Annual reviews from Year 9 onwards must have a focus on preparing you for adulthood. 

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New outcomes should be written into the EHC plan.  These should be around the four preparation for adulthood areas:

1. employment, education and training
2. independent living
3. community inclusion, friends and relationships
4. health

Your views and those of your family must be included.

You will choose your GCSE subjects at school. You may study other qualifications.

You may want to start thinking about post-16 options.

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You can talk to your teachers about opportunities for work placements, work experience and volunteering.

Start thinking about the life skills you need to learn.  For example:

  • travel
  • budgeting
  • cooking
  • housekeeping

Talk to your school to think about how they can help you with these. Also think about how you can practise these skills at home

You might want to think about independent travel training.  This is to help you travel from home to school on your own.

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Ask about having some funded support from Children’s Social Care.  This could help you become more independent as you get to adulthood. The Local Authority can carry out an assessment to see if you can get this. This can take place at any time / at any age, depending on what suits you best.

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Start thinking about where you might want to live as an adult.

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Think about your friends and other important people in your school and local community.

Think about what your friends mean to you and how they support you.

You may want to join a youth club, which start from age 14. Some youth clubs are for young people with SEND.

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Young people with Learning Disabilities are able to have an Annual Health Check.  This is with your GP and you can have one from age 14.  

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Talk to your doctor about the move from children to adult health services.

Sheffield Children’s Hospital uses the Ready, Steady Go questionnaires. The age of transition changes depending on what your health need is. Ready, Steady, Go should start as early as age 13-14.

Fill in Sheffield’s Health Passport which provides key information for health professionals. 

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