What are short breaks for children?

Short breaks are activities that children and young people with SEND can go to.  It is so that their parents or carers can have a break from caring. This includes day, evening, overnight and weekend activities.

5 cartoon characters, one is in a wheelchair

Who are short breaks for children for?

Short breaks are available for disabled children and young people who:

  • are 0-18 years old
  • live in Sheffield
  • have a disability. This means that they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities (Equality Act 2010).
  • have a disability that has a significant impact on their family and home life                            

What do short breaks for children include?

Short Breaks include:

  • universal activities.  This is a leisure activity that any child or young person can attend, e.g. a sports club or play scheme                                                                                                                  
  • specialised clubs.  This is a group activity for disabled children and young people
  • befriending.  This is a short term one-to-one support service.  It is for children and young people who are unable to take part in group activities
  • overnight short breaks.  These take place in either a residential home or with a Foster Carer            
  • a Direct Payment.  This is a monthly payment in place of a service for families to arrange their own support                                  
  • a Short Break Grant.  This is a one-off annual payment for families to arrange their own activity

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Who can help me with short breaks for children?

The Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Service team, also called SNIPS, is the team in Sheffield City Council available to help you. They can provide more information on the range of short breaks available.                                 

The team can be contacted by telephoning the Children with Disabilities Team on 0114 273 5368. Ask to speak to a member of the SNIPS team. 

You can also e-mail them on SNIPSBusinessSupport@sheffield.gov.uk 

Adult short break services

There are short break services for adults (aged 18 and over).  They are for those who qualify for adult services. This service is known as respite for adults.

Adult short break services includes residential respite centres and a service called Shared Lives (adult fostering).

Find out more about Shared Lives by clicking on the logo below.

Picture in balck and white of Sheffield.  Text is in white font and says Sheffield City Council

If you already have a children’s short break service

You may be referred to the social care transitions service. See page 29.

If you do not have a children’s short break service

If you would like one as an adult, please contact Sheffield City Council. Ask for a referral to adult social care. See page 28.

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