What are short breaks?

Short breaks are activities that children and young people with a disability can go to.  This means their parents or carers can have a break from caring duties. This includes day, evening, overnight and weekend activities.

Short breaks benefit both disabled children and young people and their parents or carers.

Children enjoy new:

  • interests
  • relationships
  • activities

They help parents and carers to:

  • catch up with everyday activities (e.g. sleep, cleaning, shopping)
  • relax or do a hobby
  • keep in touch with friends and family

Cartoon picture of a girl in a wheelchair

Who can apply?

Short breaks are available for disabled children and young people who:

  • are aged from birth up to their 18th birthday
  • live in Sheffield
  • have a disability which has a significant impact on their family and home life

The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 says a person has a disability if:

  • they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to do normal daily activities

5 cartoon people.  One is in a wheelchair and all are from different cultural heritage

In Sheffield we have a number of services that provide activities for disabled children and young people to access.

Families who have two or more children or young people with a disability may choose to do activities together or separate.

They include:

  • Universal activities. A leisure activity that any child or young person may attend, e.g. a sports club or play scheme.
  • Specialised clubs. A group activity for disabled children and young people.
  • A short-term one to one support service for children and young people who are unable to take part in group activities
  • Overnight short breaks. Either in a residential home or with a Foster Carer.
  • A Direct Payment. A monthly payment in place of a service for families to arrange their own support.
  • A Short Break Grant. A one-off annual payment for eligible families to arrange their own activity.

Short break grant

The Short Break Grant is means-tested. Other Short Break services are not means-tested. You can find out whether you can apply for a Short Break Grant by clicking here.

Want more information?

The Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Service team (SNIPS) in Sheffield City Council can help you. They can provide more information on the short breaks available.

Telephone: 0114 273 5368 (ask for a member of the SNIPS team)

E-mail: SNIPSBusinessSupport@sheffield.gov.uk

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