This is a one-off annual payment.  The payment is up to a maximum of £400 per family.   The payment is means-tested.  You can use this to arrange activities for your child's short break.

You may get a payment if you have a child or a young person with a disability who is under 18 years old.  It is not available to families who already receive another form of short break service.  For example:

  • a SNIPS club
  • overnight respite
  • a direct payment
  • befriending service

For more information about how to apply for a Short Break Grant click here.

5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

You can use the grant in different ways. What is most important is that the grant helps you to have short breaks.

Here are some examples that families have chosen:

  • buy a gym membership for you or for your child
  • pay for family days out. Including travel and food costs
  • pay for cinema trips or a yearly cinema pass
  • pay for extra support to allow your child to access an activity while you have a break
  • access a holiday or play scheme
  • pay for other leisure activities
  • pay for childcare to allow you to have days or nights out
  • equipment

To apply

You must:

  1. have a disabled child under 18 years old
  2. live in Sheffield
  3. be in receipt of means-tested benefits or have a family household income of under £21,000 a year. We do not take into consideration income for anyone in the household under the age of 18 years. If you are unsure that you receive a means-tested benefit then please contact customer services on (0114) 273 4567. Select option 4 and then 6 to be but through to the correct department.
  4. not receive another short break, respite service, befriending service or a Direct Payment for that child
  5. receive High Rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in either care or mobility. This is for those aged 0-16 years.
  6. receive Enhanced Rate Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for either daily living or mobility. This is for those aged 16 – 18 years.

If you do not receive High Rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Enhanced Rate Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

If you meet the first 3 points above you can submit an ‘Impact information Form’.  A relevant professional completes and signs this.  This is someone who knows your family and how your child’s disability affects the whole family. This could be a:

  • Medical professional
  • Social Worker
  • MAST Worker
  • School Teacher

You must undertake the household income assessment to be able to apply for a Short Breaks Grant.

The household income assessment will look at the means-tested benefits for the child or young person’s legal guardian.  This is if the child or young person is under 18 years old. We do not take into consideration any disability benefits. The assessment does not consider income for anyone in the household under the age of 18 years.

When you receive confirmation that you can apply for the Short Break Grant

Download the application form and guidance notes.  You can download this by clicking here.

5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

What you cannot use the grant for

You cannot use the grant for:

  • decorating
  • furniture
  • clothes
  • annual ground rent for a caravan or holiday home
  • having a car serviced or repaired
Last updated: