Opportunities to Have a Voice

Interested in having a Voice?

Do you have any issues you would like to see addressed?

Is there something you would like to change for the better, whether that be locally, regionally or nationally?

Do you want to get involved in creating this change?

If you answered ‘YES’, here are some things you can get involved in.

South Yorkshire Police Young Peoples Independent Advisory Group for Sheffield are currently recruiting new members aged 13 to 25!

For further information please see the SYP Advisory Service booklet in the Useful Information/Downloads section on the right hand side of this page.

To express an interest in joining the group complete and return the SYP Independent Advisory Group Application form available in he Useful Information/Downloads section.

SENDing Voices are currently recruiting for young people aged 13 to 24 years old with special educational  

Further information on the group and how to get involved can be found in the SENDing Voices Information poster in the Useful Information/Download section.