Many of us, at different times in our lives, will need help to cope with an event or issue affecting us.

It could be help to recover from an illness or injury, or help to cope with getting older, or to cope with the pressures of caring for a relative or loved one.

Often, we just need a bit of advice or information about ways to manage for a short time, or a small piece of equipment so we can continue. At other times we may need someone else to support us, or to change some part of our life like the home we live in or how we do day to day tasks so we can continue to have a good life.

Sheffield Directory has the information and advice to help you.

Most of the groups and services you can contact directly. There are details of local charities and voluntary groups in the city, and care providers like home care companies and residential care homes. We also have details of local services that help in the home like cleaners, gardeners, handy persons and people that can do small jobs for you.

If you’d like to speak to someone to get some advice the Adult Care and Wellbeing First Contact Team can help.

Call: 0114 273 4908.


If you think you need the Council to help you arrange or pay for your care and support, the Council will follow rules to work out if you need support and what you can afford to pay. You can find out more about the assessment process on the Council website:

SCIE video on assessmentsThere's a lot of useful advice and videos about the assessment process on the SCIE website.

SCIE is the Social Care Institute for Excellence - sharing knowledge, improving lives.

For more information about adult social care and how Sheffield City Council Adult Care and Wellbeing works visit our web page.

Adult Care and Wellbeing: how we work.

The NHS Health and Social Care Directory provides details of a wide range of support and wellbeing services available in Sheffield for patients, their relatives and family carers following a stay in hospital, or as they transition through other community settings and services.  

NHS Health and Social Care Directory.

To find advice the directory has sections on living independently, healthy living, housing and more.

     button link for the living independently section button link for the healthy living section button link for the housing sectionbutton link for the money and legal section button link for the leisure and culture section
     button link for the transport and mobility section button link for the learning, work and volunteering section button link for the staying safe section button link for the information and advice section button link for the community and environment section

Or you can use the search box at the top of each page to find advice or local services.

Many of the services, clubs and activities on the directory are free to join and use. However, you may be asked to contribute to the cost of running their service or providing transport, day trips or equipment like crafting supplies.

Some care providers like home care companies charge for their services according to the amount of support you need and the number of workers involved.

You can get more information about health and social care costs.

If you think you need help to pay for your care and support you should contact the Council. There's more advice about how the Council works out how much you can afford to pay on their website.

Sheffield City Council: Cost of care.


View all services on the directory that help you stay independent in your home.


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