Virtual Filing Cabinet (VFC)

New to the VFC? Read About the VFC below.

│ Support for everyone

Advocacy (Sheffield Advocacy Hub)
Bereavement Support: MIND website
Bereavement Support: Sheffield Directory
Death Cafes
Care in Crosspool phone symbol
Cinnamon Trust phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
CISWO coal charity phone symbol email symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Community Support Workers phone symbol form symbol
DAWS Community Gym - Indoor Games session phone symbol email symbol
Disability Sheffield: PA register phone symbol leaflet symbol
People Keeping Well Community Support Organisations
Lunch Clubs phone symbol form symbol
NeighbourGood Welcome Places postcards
SCCCC Hospital Aftercare phone symbol leaflet symbol

│ Day centres/day activities

Dementia day activities leaflet symbol leaflet symbol
Age UK Sheffield - Dementia Wellbeing Centre phone symbol leaflet symbol
Community Hub phone symbol email symbol
Holmes Adult Carers phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Holistic Social Care phone symbol form symbol
Inspirations phone symbol email symbol
Sheffield Directory: day care services phone symbol
St Wilfrids Centre phone symbol email symbol form symbol

│ Autism and Learning Disability support

All About You phone symbol email symbol
Autism Hope Sheffield phone symbol email symbol
Autism Plus Activity Choices phone symbol form symbol
Autism Plus – employment support phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Autism Plus Social Group phone symbol
Big Ambitions phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Burton Street phone symbol email symbol
Greave House Farm Trust phone symbol email symbol
Heeley City Farm phone symbol email symbol
RIVA project phone symbol email symbol
Sensesation day services phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Sheffield Mencap phone symbol email symbol
Under the Stars phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol

│ Dementia support

Dementia referral routes in Sheffield leaflet symbol leaflet symbol
Dementia Advice Sheffield phone symbol email symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Dementia awareness and training leaflet symbol
DSTIS: form symbol
Sheffield Carers Centre
Dementia activities and support leaflet symbol leaflet symbol
Alzheimer's Society (national) phone symbol
Dementia Advice Sheffield – Dementia Support for Professionals
Sheffield LGBT+ over 50s group (dementia friendly) phone symbol email symbol

│ Support for older people

Age Better phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Age UK Sheffield phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Churches Together email symbol
MHA Communities phone symbol form symbol
Goodgym form symbol leaflet symbol
Sheffield LGBT+ over 50s group (dementia friendly) phone symbol email symbol
Livewell at Home (SYHA) phone symbol email symbol
Reengage phone symbol form symbol
The Silverline phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
SCCCC Good Neighbour Scheme phone symbol form symbol
St Chad's Church 3rd Age Ministry phone symbol
Stocksbridge Community Care Group phone symbol email symbol

│ Physical and Sensory Impairment support

Deaf Advice Service email symbol leaflet symbol SMS text symbol
RIVA project phone symbol email symbol
Sign Health phone symbol email symbol SMS text symbol
Sensesation day services phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
SRSB phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol

LIVING INDEPENDENTLY: button to view all directory services

│ Events and activities

Disability Sport Sheffield leaflet symbol
Grimesthorpe Family Centre Tea and Toast leaflet symbol
Heeley Trust Facebook symbol
Sheffield Libraries
Low Edges/Batemoor/Jordanthorpe
Manor and Castle Devt Trust
Manor and Castle C&F activities
Off The Shelf
Parks & Countryside Facebook symbol
Parson Cross Forum
Raring to Go
Sheffield: the Outdoor City Facebook symbol
Sheffield: Our Favourite Places Facebook symbol
SHU city events
Sporting Memories Network
St Cuthberts Firvale
Walkley Community Centre
Woodhouse & DCF

│ Activities

Being creative meet-ups leaflet symbol
Cycle Confidence sessions leaflet symbol
Dance to Health sessions
Dementia Activities
Dementia Cafes
Disability Badminton Group phone symbol email symbol
Gardening Group at Shipshape phone symbol email symbol
GP Exercise Referral scheme phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Healthy & Active Over 50s phone symbol email symbol
Men's Sunday Allotment Group phone symbol email symbol
Osteoporosis 2000 phone symbol email symbol
Re-engage (formerly Contact the Elderly) phone symbol form symbol
Sage phone symbol form symbol
Step Out Sheffield leaflet symbol
Volunteering leaflet symbol
Walking football - Age UK phone symbol
Walking football-Sheffield United
Walking football-Sheffield Wednesday
Wild at Heart phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol

│ Faith

Places of worship & community support
Faith & Culture on Sheffield Directory

│ Health

Epilepsy Action phone symbol email symbol form symbol phone symbol
Gender Identity Clinic phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Gendered Intelligence phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol leaflet symbol
LD Hospital Passport leaflet symbol
Live Lighter phone symbol email symbol form symbol
Pain Clinic phone symbol leaflet symbol
Parkinsons UK phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Podiatry Service leaflet symbol
Smoke Free Sheffield phone symbol phone symbol
Stroke Association phone symbol email symbol

│ Healthy activities

Cycle Confidence sessions leaflet symbol
Dance to Health sessions
GP Exercise Referral scheme phone symbol leaflet symbol
Osteoporosis 2000 phone symbol email symbol
Sage phone symbol leaflet symbol
Step Out Sheffield leaflet symbol
Walking football - Age UK phone symbol email symbol
Walking football-Sheffield United
Walking football-Sheffield Wednesday

│ Wellbeing activities

Dementia activities and support leaflet symbol
Sage phone symbol
Volunteering leaflet symbol

│ Combatting loneliness

Age Better phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
B:friend phone symbol email symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Ending Forever Isolation email symbol
Goodgym leaflet symbol
Re-engage (formerly Contact the Elderly) phone symbol leaflet symbol
SCCCC good neighbours scheme phone symbol
SCCCC BAME befriending phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
The Silverline form symbol leaflet symbol
Wave Length phone symbol
Wild at Heart phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol

HEALTH SUPPORT: button to view all directory services

KEEPING WELL: button to view all directory services

Sheffield Money Support website
Advice Sheffield phone symbol email symbol leaflet symbol
Archer Project phone symbol email symbol
Cheap broadband and phone
Charity shops
Christians Against Poverty phone symbol leaflet symbol
Citizens Advice: help to pay energy bills
CISWO coal charity phone symbol email symbol form symbol
Money Saving Expert website leaflet symbol
Emergency help leaflet: Help Us Help
Emmaus form symbol
Free to use library computers
Foodcycle Broomhall email symbol
Foodcycle Parson Cross email symbol
Foodworks Sheffield Kitchen Just Meals Market email symbol
Food Hall Project cafe food delivery phone symbol
Green Doctor phone symbol
Heat or Eat energy vouchers
Heeley Energy House email symbol
Jubilee Money phone symbol
Local Assistance Scheme form symbol leaflet symbol
Making a Will
Money Helper phone symbol leaflet symbol
Money Saving Expert - cheaper wills
Moneywise leaflet leaflet symbol
National Debtline phone symbol leaflet symbol
NeighbourGood Warm and Welcoming Places
NOW Church Woodhouse Food Hub phone symbol email symbol Facebook symbol
Pay as you feel cafes and markets
Scams: Not born yesterday  leaflet symbol
SCC Debt problems advice
Sheffield Credit Union phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
St Marys Social Supermarket phone symbol
St Marys Debt Support email symbol
St Vincent De Paul phone symbol form symbol
Warm and Safe Homes (WASH) phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Water Bills

│ Refugees and asylum seekers

City of Sanctuary
HARP: Health Access phone symbol

│ Money management

Manage your money guide
Council Money Management Service
Sheffield Directory: Payroll and Money Management Providers

│ Power of Attorney/Deputy/Appointees

Deputy advice on Gov.UK form symbol leaflet symbol
Office of the Public Guardian phone symbol leaflet symbol
Power of Attorney advice on Gov.UK
Court of Protection phone symbol form symbol leaflet symbol
Find a Solicitor

│ Specialist PoA advice


Marie Curie phone symbol leaflet symbol
MacMillan phone symbol leaflet symbol


Carers UK phone symbol email symbol
Sheffield Carers Centre phone symbol

Learning Disability

Mencap leaflet symbol
Sheffield Mencap phone symbol
DOSH Financial Advocacy phone symbol leaflet symbol

Mental health

Mental Health Foundation
Mental Health & Money Advice website
Sheffield MIND phone symbol email symbol

Older people

Age UK phone symbol leaflet symbol
Independent Age phone symbol leaflet symbol
Solicitors for the Elderly phone symbol
Alzheimer's Society phone symbol leaflet symbol
Dementia UK phone symbol leaflet symbol

Physical disability

Disability Law Service leaflet symbol
Disability Sheffield phone symbol leaflet symbol SMS text symbol

Sensory impairment

RNIB phone symbol leaflet symbol
SRSB phone symbol
RNID phone symbol leaflet symbol
Citizens Advice Deaf Team email symbol leaflet symbol SMS text symbol

FINANCIAL ADVICE & SUPPORT: button to view all directory services

Virtual Filing Cabinet (VFC)

Our VFC has key information about the most important services and support covering a range of topics people are often looking for whether to share with someone else or to contact when developing a plan of activities and support for someone.

Each entry has a link you can follow to get more information about the service/event/activity. Hover your mouse over this to get a bit more information about what they do, any age or particular client groups they support, any specific parts of the city they cover etc. You'll then find icons for key information such as:

phone symbol  Telephone number
email symbol Email contact
form symbol  Referral form
leaflet symbol Leaflet, guide, poster
SMS text symbol SMS Text contact
Facebook symbol Facebook page

Click the phone icon to start a call to this number. Click the email to start an email to the service. Click the form icon to open the service referral form or their contact us form on their website. Click on the leaflet icon to open a flyer or brochure about the service you can print or email to someone.

At the bottom of each drawer we've included a link to the full list of all entries on the Sheffield Directory - so to see more options or find a specialist service you can use these to quickly switch to all the details we have on the directory.

We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions about how to improve this page, please contact Heather Baxendale (0114 273 4763) or Mike McEnery (0114 273 5925). Or email

Last updated: