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  • Assessing whether a child is unable to attend due to their health needs

    The council have a responsibility to arrange suitable provision: when the child’s health needs become too complex to manage in school. Other professionals will have worked with the school too. when school are recording the absence as illness. When a child is unable to attend for a longe…

  • Getting back to school and full time education

    Getting back to school and full time education (Re-integration and Review) Plans for long term outcomes and next steps should be agreed at the start of all support or provision. They are then reviewed regularly. Steps should be in place to increase the hours back to full time as soon as possible. …

  • Accessing Sheffield's Local Offer

    Change the language, size of the font and contrast colours You can change the language, size of the font and contrast colours of the screen on the Local Offer webpages. Click on the options at the top of the screen. The options look like this: The three A's change the font size. Clicking on a …

  • Accessing Council education and social care services

    How to access Council education and social care services This section provides information of the pathways to Council-run education and social care services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Sheffield. Either select the service you want to know…

  • Sheffield Carers Centre

    A support service funded or partially funded by Sheffield City Council. Referral reason: To help any adult who is an unpaid carer. A carer is someone who provides support – practical and/or emotional – to an adult or child with an illness, disability, frailty, mental health problems or substan…

  • Rowan and Mossbrook outreach

    A Council-run service to help with Communication and Interaction. Supports primary school aged children: 5-11 years Referral reason: Concern about how a child with an Autism Spectrum Condition’s needs are being met in mainstream education. People involved: Educational psychologists, the auti…

  • Lifelong learning skills and communities (LLSC) Progression Team

    A Council-run service to help with Social, Emotional and Mental Health. Supports children and young people: 11-16 years Referral reason: Alternative Provision can support young people to Develop their readiness to learn; Improve their chances of making progress; Achieve successful tran…

  • Exclusions Team

    A Council-run service to help with Social, Emotional and Mental Health. Supports children and young people: Primary and secondary school age Referral reason: Concern about a child at risk of permanent exclusion or who has already been permanently excluded. People involved: Complex Case Manag…

  • Becton Hospital School

    A service to help with Social, Emotional and Mental Health. Supports children and young people: 5- 16 years Referral reason: Child has been admitted to an inpatient ward at either Sheffield Children’s Hospital or the Becton Centre for Young People (Tier 4 CAMHS) People involved: Medical Staf…

  • Becton Medical Outreach

    A service to help with Social, Emotional and Mental Health. Referral reason: Education for children where a clinician has determined the child is medically unable to attend school. People involved: Medical Staff, Becton School, and school where pupil is (and remains) on roll. Offer:Becton Me…