Talbot Specialist School provides education for young people who have severe and complex learning difficulties.

Young people who attend Talbot Specialist School have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.  

Website: https://talbotlearningcommunity.org.uk/ 

6 arrows meeting at the point.  Text says Talbot Specialist School

Seven Hills School provides education for young people who have a physical disability or profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.

Young people who attend Seven Hills School have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.  

Website: https://www.sevenhillslearning.co.uk/ 

Seven Hills School with a blue, purple and pink shapes for the logo

Bents Green School provides education for young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Communication and Interaction difficulties. 

Young people who attend Bents Green School have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.  

Website: https://www.bentsgreenschool.co.uk/ 

A person in the middle with arms up and coloured leaves around to look like a tree.  Text at the top says Bents Green School.  Text underneath says individuals matter

The Kenwood Academy offers full time education for young people with complex social, emotional and mental health needs.

Young people who attend the Kenwood Academy (part of Becton School) have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.  They must have a diagnosis or traits of Autism.

Website: https://www.becton.sheffield.sch.uk/ 

Blue tree in a circle.  Text underneath says Becton School together we can in blue text