There are many independent specialist colleges around the country.  There are some in South Yorkshire and some in the counties next to us. 

They support young people with very complex learning difficulties or disabilities. 

They offer day and residential education courses for young people.

You can contact the colleges for more information. They will tell you how they admit students as some will carry out an assessment.

Young people would need to have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.  The Local Authority would need to agree the place. The team you would need to contact is the SEND Statutory Assessment and Review Service.  This team is also called SENDSARS.

SENDSARS telephone number: 0114 2736394

SENDSARS e-mail: SENDAssess& 

Search for an Independent Specialist College

You can search for an Independent Specialist College on the Department for Education website.  

Independent special schools and colleges - GOV.UK (