Opportunity Sheffield

Opportunity Sheffield are the Council’s employment and skills service.

They help people who want to start their employment journey but don't know how.  This includes those with disabilities and physical or mental health issues.

They run projects part funded through the European Social Fund (ESF).  These are called the ESF Pathways.  Pathways to Success supports those with disabilities and physical or mental health issues.  It is for those aged 18 and over.  You can read more information from page 16 on this booklet.

Pathways to Success work with other organisations on projects.  They offer training courses designed to help get people back into work.  You can read more information from page 17 on this booklet.

You can contact Opportunity Sheffield to find out more:

Telephone: 0114 229 6168

E-mail: opportunity@sheffield.gov.uk 

Black and white square picture of Sheffield with white text that says Sheffield City Council

Sheffield Supported Employment

It is a contract led by Barnsley Local Authority. It includes Sheffield and Doncaster Local Authorities. It started in November 2022. Funding is in place until March 2025. In Sheffield, there are 2 job coaches available to give support.

What the scheme is and who is it for

To help adults (18+) with Learning Disabilities and / or Autism into a paid job. They will receive support from a Job Coach for:

  • help to get a paid job and not work placements
  • CV writing
  • job applications
  • looking at work trials as a working interview, if needed
  • in the work place help with training and job instruction
  • close working with the person and employer
  • developing the employment and making progress
  • working towards more hours, if wanted.

The job coaches will:

  • speak to the person who has applied and get a vocational profile. All based on their wishes and wants for the future.
  • look at all areas of their life to see what sort of work they would like and how they may find it for them
  • speak with different employers that are of interest.

Entry guidelines

  • There is a check sent to the DWP to make sure you can apply.  DWP is the Department for Work and Pensions. This is to check the person exists and is “economically inactive”.
  • The person must not be employed, in full time education or on any other funded programme.
  • Be known to Adult Social Care. There is flexibility with this.  You can still apply if not known to Adult Social Care.

If the programme isn't right for the individual, the job coaches will look to find another which is.

There is an independent audit every six months. This is to assess the quality of provision and success of the programme.

How to apply

Complete this referral form and e-mail to opportunity@sheffield.gov.uk.

Or contact:

Richard Perry

Telephone: 07917 597 740

E-mail: richard.perry@sheffield.gov.uk 

Team e-mail: sse@sheffield.gov.uk 

Black text that says Department for work and pensions.  The royal coat of arms is at the top of the text

Supported Employment - national programme

Supported Employment helps people with significant disabilities. It helps them move towards and into paid work.

For more information visit the British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) website.  Click on the logo.

Text says base.  The b and a are in blue text, the s and e in red text

Visit the Disability Sheffield website.  They have a list of local organisations and services that give information and advice on getting a job. Click on the logo.

A large capital D coloured in green with a white S in the centre.  Underneath is text that says Disability Sheffield centre for independent living


Jobcentres can help young people with SEND aged 18 and over:

  • find a job,
  • get new skills,
  • get information about disability friendly employers
  • discuss other support available.

They can refer the young person to a Disability Employment Advisor (DEA) or a specialist work psychologist.  They can carry out an 'employment assessment' of their skills and experience.  This helps see what kind of roles they are interested in.

Green rectangle with text that says job centre plus.  Job and plus are in white text and centre is in yellow text

Youth Hubs

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched “Youth Hubs”.  They have done this alongside Sheffield City Council. The Youth Hubs are located with different organisations across the city. These organisations work together with other services.  They offer a range of services to support young people in the community. The support offered will vary in each Youth Hub. 

The government have also published guidance on their website: Help and support for young disabled people to find and stay in work.

In Sheffield, the Youth Hubs are:

Autism Plus
Exchange Brewery
2 Bridge Street
S3 8NS
Telephone: 0114 3840284
Sheffield East Youth Hub
Manor & Castle Development Trust
52/54 Manor Park Centre
S2 1WE
Telephone: 0114 2655145
Sheffield South Youth Hub
Heeley City Farm
Richards Road
S2 3DT
Telehphone: 0114 2580482
Penistone Road North
S6 1SW
Telephone: 07392 195466

Better Working Futures

Jobcentres can refer those who need a higher level of support on to a programme called Better Working Futures (Work and Health Programme). Run by Reed in Partnership, this programme focuses on helping disadvantaged groups (particularly people with health conditions or disabilities) to find and keep work.

Employment advisors work with participants for up to 15 months, with an additional six months once participants are in work. The offer includes one-to-one meetings, better-off calculations, support to access local services, funding for travel, interview clothing or external training, and workshops and support to address complex needs and barriers, such as housing or money issues.

Referrals can only be made through Jobcentre Plus, and there is no guarantee that the young person will be accepted on the programme.

Text that says better working futures work and health programme.  The word better is in light blue text, working is in dark blue text, future is in grey text, work and health programme is in black text

Youth Offer

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) provides a programme of support for all 16 to 24 year olds making a new claim to Universal Credit who are required to prepare or look for work.  This is called the DWP Youth Offer.  You can find out more by clicking on the logo below.

/Black%20text that says Department for work and pensions.  The royal coat of arms is at the top of the text

Work Routes Pioneer Programme - Reed in Partnership

Work Routes is a free support service that helps unemployed people aged 18+ start working.

The service is part of the Department for Work and Pension’s Work and Health Programme (WHP Core) for those who are out of work. It may sometimes be called WHP Pioneer.

Some of the reasons jobseekers might be able to apply can include:

  • They are not in work or a job - unemployed and not in the Universal Credit Intensive Work Search Regime (UC IWSR) or income based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Claiming other benefits, or no benefits, means they can apply.
  • They have a health condition or disability and need more support than can be provided within standard Jobcentre Plus or other available services.
  • They fit into one of the following groups:
    1. An ex-offender (someone who has completed a custodial sentence or a community sentence), or an offender (someone who is serving a community sentence)
    2. A carer or ex-carer
    3. A homeless person
    4. A former member of HM Armed Forces
    5. A member of the HM Armed Forces reserves
    6. A partner of current or former Armed Forces personnel
    7. A person for whom a drug/alcohol dependency (including a history of) presents a significant barrier
      to employment
    8. A care leaver
    9. A refugee
    10. A young person identified as being involved or at risk of being involved in gangs or serious violence
    11. A victim of domestic violence
    12. An Afghan resettler
    13. A Ukrainian evacuee

You can find out more by reading the brochure.

You can also call on 0800 015 5332.

Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEET) and Vulnerable people fact sheet

A factsheet has been created with Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) information.  It has been designed for young people not in education, employment and training (NEET) and vulnerable people.

Click here to download.