The Children's Society have made a video. It tells you how Independent Travel Training helps young people learn to travel by themselves.


Sheffield City Council offers free travel training for young people aged 10 to 19 years who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, or who have been identified by their school or college as requiring additional travel support through training.

Get Going

Get Going is a programme for young people who currently get travel support (taxi or minibus provided by Sheffield City Council). The programme gives young people the chance to take their first small steps towards independence, whilst maintaining the travel support currently in place. It enables a young person to work towards developing skills for the future, and helps to increase their confidence and maturity.

Independent Travel Training

Independent Travel Training develops a young person’s skills to travel safely, correctly and with confidence from home to their place of education. It helps young people to develop new skills, enabling them to increase their opportunities in life. Each young person is given a one-to-one trainer and a tailor-made travel plan, which is personalised to their ability and proceeds at a pace which is suitable to their needs. Top-up training is available to support children and young people with transition when moving school or college.

For more information, please talk to your child’s SENCO or contact the Travel Training Team at Sheffield City Council (email or call 0114 2053542).