Children, young people and adults who meet the criteria for NHS Children’s Continuing Care, NHS funded Short Breaks, are Section 117 eligible or receive Continuing Healthcare for adults can choose to have their care delivered via a personal health budget.

Personal health budgets enable you and your family to have greater choice and flexibility over how your child or young person’s health outcomes can be met.

South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) want more children and young people that want to receive will receive a personal health budget in future. They have already started to increase the number of children or young people who have a Personal Health Budget available to them as part of a combined service approach to meeting the provisions set out in a young person's EHC plan and for children who receive continuing care support whilst accessing education. This is also known as an integrated budget.

For further information about personal health budgets, please visit:

Requests for a Children’s Continuing Care Assessment, NHS Funded Short Breaks or a Continuing Healthcare for Adults assessment should be made by the clinical or social care team involved with you and your family to the Continuing Care team at the South Yorkshire ICB, who will progress this (see contact details below).

South Yorkshire ICB can then refer you to a specialist Personal Health Budget Team, who can offer you advice, information and support with a personal health budget, as well as signposting you to other organisations, or more specialist support planners, if this would be appropriate.

Following South Yorkshire ICB approval and quality processes, you can choose how you would like your personal health budget to be managed from one of these four options:

  • Direct payments - a direct (cash) payment which is paid into an account for you to buy and manage services yourself.
  • A notional budget, where South Yorkshire ICB holds your personal health budget and buys the support identified in your child’s assessment of needs on your behalf. 
  • A third party budget, where a service provider, user-led organisation or a broker manages it for you.
  • A combination of the above.

The personal health budget can be combined with a personal budget from the local authority (if available) to support the development of joint outcomes for your child.

If you are interested in requesting an assessment, or for more information, please contact the team by telephone on 0114 305 1000, or email at