A Council-run service to help with Communication and Interaction.

Supports primary school aged children: 5-11 years

Referral reason: Concern about how an autistic child's needs are being met in mainstream education.

People involved: Educational psychologists, the autism education team and teaching support staff from Rowan and Mossbrook schools.

Offer:Extra support for a child in their mainstream school – provided by teaching support staff from Rowan and Mossbrook schools.

How to refer

Schools and education settings cannot refer to this service.  Instead, they should contact the Educational Psychology Service (0114 250 6800) and/or the Autism Social Communication Education and Training (ASCETS) Service for advice: autism.educationteam@sheffield.gov.uk or educational.psychology@sheffield.gov.uk 

Referrals are made by the Council’s Educational Psychology, ASCETS and SENDSARS team – they are considered by the Educational Psychology and ASCETS.

Please note - All other types of support offered by the Educational Psychology Service and ASCETS must have been tried before Rowan and Mossbrook outreach support is given.