We run various groups in Sheffield.  These groups give young residents aged 11– 25yrs a way to have their say and work on projects they care about. Here are some examples:

This group is for young people aged 13 to 24yrs with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). It is for those who want to help make things better for young people with SEND.

Do you want to join our group? Contact us at:

youth.voice@sheffield.gov.uk      or call 07391 739 118 (Kerry)

The group allows young people aged 13yrs to 25yrs to give direct feedback to the police on issues that matter to them and others. It also gives the opportunity for joint campaigns to make Sheffield a safer place for all residents.

See further information in the SYP Independent Advisory Group Booklet and the application form (in case you want to join) in the Useful Information/Downloads section on the right hand side of this page. 

There are 7 of these groups across the city for young people aged 11 - 17yrs. Giving young people the opportunity to engage with decision makers and influence change in their local area.

For more information email youth.voice@sheffield.gov.uk

This is the citywide voice group for young residents in Sheffield. There are 35 elected young people (5 per Local Area Committee area).

Elections take place once every 2 years and you need to be 11 to 17yrs old to stand in the elections.

The youth Cabinet also have special interest/ link seats (which go up to aged 25) to try to ensure a diverse range of voices are represented.

For further information email youth.voice@sheffield.gov.uk

We have 3 young residents elected as Members of UK Youth Parliament for Sheffield. They lead on national campaigns and the bi-annual Make your Mark Survey.

Elections take place once every 2 years and you need to be 11 to 17yrs old and already elected into the Youth Cabinet to be able to stand for one of these roles.

For further information email youth.voice@sheffield.gov.uk

If you would like any further information on any of the above or want to tell us about an issue you think one of our groups should be addressing please get in touch via email youth.voice@sheffield.gov.uk and a youth worker from the Youth Voice and Influence Service will get back to you.

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