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Please contact the team on 0114 2057450 or email or call us free on 0800 138 838
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Please contact the team on 0114 2057450 or email or call us free on 0800 138 838
Our vision will ensure Young Sheffielders can achieve their goals and ambitions and benefit from the future economic prosperity of the city. They will contribute to, and benefit from, supportive and dynamic neighbourhoods with access to a wide range of youth, leisure, cultural and recreational op…
The Return Home Interview Team is a small team of trained workers who offer the opportunity for every young person reported missing in Sheffield to speak to them. They are an independent team and try to uncover information that can help protect children from the risk of further missing episodes, …
Documents to Download Please see referral documents on the "Documents to Download" section on the right hand side of this page.
Please contact the team on 0114 2057450 or email or call us free on 0800 138 838
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) is a legal term. A child or young person has SEND if: they have a learning difficulty or disability they need special educational provision. Having a learning difficulty or disability means that a pupil has greater difficulty in learning …
Links and documents SENCO stands for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. The SENCO has responsibilities for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy. Key duties include: Supporting the identification of children with SEN. Co-ordinatin…
Class and subject teachers for all pupils carryout regular assessments of progress. If a child shows slower progress than expected then: the relevant member of staff should check if the child may have special educational needs or disability (SEND). This is with support from the Special Educa…
Links and documents Inclusion Taskforce - guidance and resources. This includes training videos, flowcharts, forms and templates. It is part of the Learn Sheffield website. Click the logo below for more information. Inclusion Taskforce - training Training schools can attend is on the Inclusion …
On this page, you can find details of services providing support in education for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Click on the headings for more information. School health and support services The Health Visiting and School Nursing Team for…