Raising Responsible Teenagers

  • Date
  • Time
    1:00pm to 2:30pm
  • Cost
    Free of charge

Your baby's almost an adult, or at least that's what he or she thinks. So life at home can be a little strained. Maybe your 13-year-old son grunts instead of speaking to you. Or your 14-year-old daughter wants to go to parties with people you don't even know. It's not that you've got a "wild" kid. You'd just like to make sure things don't get out of hand.

If this sounds like you, then this Triple P Seminar may suit. Seminars are 90 minute talks to large groups on a number of different topics. We hope you will find it interesting and take away some ideas.

In this seminar you will be introduced to the six key elements of teenagers becoming responsible and specific ideas about how to teach and encourage each of the following skills:

• Taking part in family decision-making.

• Being respectful and considerate.

• Getting involved in family activities.

• Developing a healthy lifestyle.

• Being reliable.

• Being assertive.

We will be delivering the session via Microsoft Teams, joining instructions will be given once you have booked in.

Online Event