This page explains the transition into university life. It includes details of some of the support services available and how to access them. There are also some links to websites with more information on Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA).  Please see below for more information.

Universities have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure disabled students are not treated unfavourably because of their disability and will have specialist services to support them. These services will talk to students who disclose a disability about their support needs and liaise with the appropriate internal departments, services and external agencies. Typical support may include

  • exam access arrangements (such as extra time, rest breaks, technology or a separate exam room)
  • a learning support plan advising tutors how to support the student appropriately
  • support facilities in the library.

Additional support is available through workers such as note takers, library support, study skills tutors and mentors.

The key to accessing support is to have some form of written documentation to confirm the student’s disability and support needs. This could be medical letters or diagnostic assessments. For specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, some universities will accept confirmation of exam access arrangements as interim evidence whilst full diagnostic assessments are obtained. Many universities will fund (wholly or in part) the cost of these diagnostic assessments.

Whilst the disability service will be responsible for putting in place internal institutional support (exams, learning plans, etc.), they can also help students apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA), which will pay for most support that has a financial cost.

The process for applying for DSA is usually piggy-backed onto the student loan system. However, you do not need to claim for financial support to be eligible. DSA are not means-tested, and students do not have to repay them.

To qualify for DSA, the student must have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to carry out normal daily activities. This will include specific learning difficulties.

An Education Health and Care Plan is not sufficient evidence in itself and will need to be supported by other documentation. Once a student has been confirmed as eligible for DSA, they will usually be invited to attend a regional assessment centre. There are centres located around the country, and we currently have four in Sheffield. At the appointment, an assessor will discuss the student’s support needs and suggest strategies, human support and technology that can assist them to break down the barriers that exist for them. DSA will then fund the cost of the agreed support. After the appointment, the assessor will write a report which can also help the disability service put the most appropriate support in place for the student.

Detailed information about what DSA can pay for, eligibility criteria and the application process is available on the government website: Help if you're a student with a learning difficulty, health problem or disability

Disability Rights UK have published a useful factsheet about DSA: Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances

Go Higher

Go Higher in West Yorkshire have created a guide to support you on your own journey into Higher Education.  

They call this the Disabled Learners’ Higher Education Transition Pack. Click the logo below to take you to their page and the transition pack.

An image of a graduation cap and text that says Go Higher West Yorkshire