Help with Caring for Children and Young Adults

Help with caring

Some people need practical support. This can be for both inside and outside the home. This support can be given by social care services. The local authority can carry out an assessment to decide if you or your family needs support from social care.

Care services in Sheffield include respite care, short breaks, equipment and adaptations and specialist care.

Request a social care assessment

Contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855 to request a social care assessment for your child or family.

The Sheffield Safeguarding Hub will talk to you about your situation. They will decide if an assessment is needed and if so, which one. You can ask the Safeguarding Hub any questions about the assessment: what it involves, how long it will take and what support it could lead to.

If you need help to find support for your adult care needs, please contact Sheffield City Council’s First Contact Team on 0114 273 4908.

Get support as a carer

The Sheffield Carers Centre offers information, advice and support to any adult who is an unpaid carer of an adult or a child in Sheffield.

They can also carry out Carer’s Needs Assessments for carers of adults aged 18 and over. Click on the logo below to find out more.

White square with text that says Carers Trust Sheffield Carers Centre