Specialist equipment can be expensive, but you may be able to access it for free through a local authority or NHS service. In Sheffield, there are three services that can provide specialist equipment:
- Mobility and Specialised Rehabilitation Centre: Located at the Northern General Hospital, this service can only be accessed via referral from a health professional. It provides wheelchairs and special seating for children and adults meeting the specified criteria.
- Equipment and Adaptations Team: This local authority service accepts self-referrals from families. It can provide safety equipment, like grab rails, safety gates or specialist bathing equipment.
- Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES): This service provides the loan of aids for daily living, such as bathing, mobility, seating, toileting and bedroom equipment items, to individuals and schools. Loans must be prescribed by a health professional (e.g. Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, District Nurse), and self-referrals from families are not accepted. All special requests for equipment must also be emailed to ICES commissioning for further consideration at CES@sheffield.gov.uk
If your child needs equipment that is not provided by the NHS or the local authority (such as a specialist car seat), then you may be able to get some funding from a charity or trust fund, or make use of a loan schemelike the Newlife Foundation.
The biggest provider of grants for families with disabled children in the UK is the Family Fund.
However, there are many other grant-giving organisations. Some have very specific criteria; for example, they may only cater for children with specific disabilities, or for parents in specific professions. The websites Disability Grants UK and Turn 2 Us provide a good overview of grant-giving organisations and their criteria.
The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy team at the Sheffield Children's NHS Trust have published a list of Charities and Grants that might help in providing specialist equipment.
If you need help with completing grant application forms, contact Citizens Advice Sheffield.