School Localities and Locations
Map of School Localities and Locations
The map shows the location of schools alongside the school locality boundaries in Sheffield.
You can search for an address in the search bar, click on the compass button to find your current location or zoom and pan around the map to find a location. To return to the whole city view use the house button.
Click on the coloured features to show information about schools (this will also show if the school has an Integrated Resource). You can change which type of school is visible on the map by using the layers button to tick or untick each school type (Primary, secondary or special).
Please note that special schools don't follow the Locality process. Please contact SENDSARS if you have any questions on this.
NB: Brightside Nursery and Infant School shows as being in Locality C. This school follows the Locality B process with Limpsfield Junior School.
Woodhouse West Primary School shows as being in Locality D. This schools comes under Locality C for the school locality process.