Visiting a potential school is important. You will be able to see the school environment, meet staff, and see children learning.
Mainstream schools have open days for families of children starting primary or secondary school. The local authority’s school admission team sends information about these. You can also find details on school websites.
You can also make an appointment to visit a school at a different time. You should call or email the school to arrange this. You may want to ask to meet the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) on your visit or speak to them before you go.
Special schools and integrated resources do not tend to have open days. Instead, they show families around by appointment.
During a school visit, you might want to:
- Tell the SENCO or teacher about your child’s needs and ask what kind of support they give to children with these needs.
- Ask:
- What experience does the school have in supporting children with similar needs?
- What is the school day like? What happens at breaks and lunchtimes?
- How do you support children to make friends and deal with friendship issues?
- What’s the school environment like? Do you have any break-out rooms or quiet areas?
- How do you stay in touch with parents?
- How do you support particular needs? For example, behaviour, attendance, learning or physical needs.
- How can you, as a parent, help the school understand your child’s needs?
It can be useful to make a list of questions you want to ask and to make a note of the answers.

Think about whether your child will come with you on the visit. This can be useful for your child and the school. But it can also lead to disappointment if they don’t get a place at a school they really liked. You may want to talk to the school about this in advance.
After the visit
Talk to your child and think about whether:
- You felt welcome at the school
- The children seemed happy
- The school was able to answer your questions
- You think your child would enjoy attending.