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MASKK Short Breaks & Day Opportunities

MASKK have been providing services for families for 20 years to enable parents/carers/families to enjoy some time off knowing that their child is happy and enjoying activities with us. MASKK were last inspected by Ofsted in August 2021 with the opening remark from the inspector "Children play happily together in this stimulating and welcoming club". See our full Ofsted Report HERE

Sessions and activities are planned around the needs and requests of the children and young people attending including the general play facilities, games, arts and crafts, outdoor play etc. We love messy play too! So children will need to dress in older clothes and please bring a change of clothes.

We provide a morning and afternoon snack, but children will need to bring a packed lunch.

During the day we often visit local parks and green spaces to enjoy the out doors including visits to local attractions such as our local Green Flag awarded Manor Fields Park. We feel this is an important part of our service, integrating the local children with their community. 

Check our website for the latest details and holiday plans. 

If you are a Playworker looking for Saturday and/or holiday work that's fun and always different please get in touch, we are often looking to grow our team so we can support more children. 

Time details

Term Time: Saturdays 10.00am until 3.00pm. School Holidays: Wednesday to Friday 10.00am until 3.00pm.

Eligibility criteria for your service and any priority groups

Referral through SNIPS only, Sheffield City Council.

Staffing arrangements/training to support children or young people with SEND

Staffing: Staffing arrangements are based on the individual needs of the children and are varied as these change. Our staff team work part time, they can be contacted from 1 hour before a session until 1 hour after, after this please leave a message or email us.  Training: We recognise that to effectively support, we need to have the skills and knowledge to understand the needs and issues that individual children face. Therefore, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is offered to all staff. A record of CPD is kept in the office and the need for training is reviewed by the senior management team each year through the Performance Management systems for staff. Specific training will be made available to staff to support the needs of particular children. All of our playworkers have had training for the interventions that they deliver and work closely with relevant training providers to increase knowledge and skills.

Additional information

Children with a variety of disabilites and support needs are welcome.

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