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Sheffield Advocacy Hub

Sheffield Advocacy Hub is responsible for the provision of all statutory advocacy in the city including:

  •         Advocacy under the Care Act 2014
  •         Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
  •         Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
  •         NHS Complaints Advocacy Service
  •         Learning Disability, Mental Health or Physical Disability advocacy
  •         Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards paid Relevant Person’s Representatives (DoLS RPR)

If you need an advocate for yourself, friends or family, call us on 0800 035 0396.
If you are a professional and would like to discuss a referral, call us on 0114 2261674.

Sheffield Advocacy Hub is a partnership between Citizens Advice Sheffield, Cloverleaf Advocacy and Disability Sheffield.

The Hub is the single point of referral for all statutory advocacy and all referrals should be made through this route using the contact information below.

You do not need to know which type of advocate you require - we will be able to work this out based on the person's circumstances.  You will need to be able to share confidential information with us to do this, so you are likely to need the person's consent before contacting us.

Further information is available on our website and for any queries email

Time details

Open Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm
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