Mental health before and during pregnancy

Good mental health before, during, and after your baby is born is vital. 

Our mental health is as important as our physical health – but it can be easy to overlook it when there is so much going on.

Your mental health and well-being before pregnancy 

If you're trying to get pregnant and have experienced mental health challenges, it's important to talk to your doctor (GP) or specialist first. They will talk to you about how you’re feeling, any medicines that you’re taking, and how pregnancy could impact your mental well-being. They'll also explore how your mental health may affect both you and your baby. 

They will also discuss what care and support are available to you and will help you to plan the healthiest start possible for you and your baby.  

Find out more on the NHS webpage 

Your mental health and well-being during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings different feelings – some good and some not so good. It also changes your body in many ways, causing things like morning sickness, backache, headache, leg cramps, varicose veins, itchiness, constipation, haemorrhoids, indigestion, and vaginal discharge. These changes can impact how you feel about being pregnant. 

For some, there may be worries about the future. Perhaps the pregnancy wasn't planned, or you're anxious about the impact of a new baby on your relationship. Concerns about childbirth are also common. These worries are normal, and you might experience some or all of them during your pregnancy. 

If feelings of sadness, worry, or anxiety begin to affect your daily life, it may be a sign of something deeper. Don't hesitate to talk to someone about it and recognise when to seek help. 

Share your worries

Whatever you're worried about, don't bottle it up – you are important and there is help available if you need it. 

You can always talk to your midwife or GP. They will point you in the right direction for all the support that you need, without judgment. 

You can also share any concerns with your partner, friends or family.