Your mental health and well-being after giving birth

After having a baby, the first few weeks and months can bring many emotions—joy, love, pride, but also worry, sadness, and frustration. 

Some new parents struggle to express negative emotions after giving birth as they feel pressured to appear happy. 

We often see 'perfect images' of life with a newborn in adverts, on Instagram, and in magazines. This can make new parents feel quite guilty and ashamed about feeling anxious or unhappy. 

If you're finding things challenging, it's important to understand that having these feelings is not your fault. Try to share any concerns with your partner, friends, or family. Don't keep it to yourself, whatever you're worried about. Remember, you are important, and there is help available if you need it. 

Speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP about how you are feeling, you won't be judged but they will be able to direct you and help and support you may need. 

Knowing more about some of the things that new mums can struggle with may help you feel more prepared - have a look at Tommy's advice on planning ahead for after the birth. 

You're not alone

Remember that you're not alone if you are feeling low. 

Up to 1 in 5 women develop mental health problems such as depression or anxiety during pregnancy, or in the first year after childbirth. 

If you are worried about the way you are feeling, please talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP. 

Further help and support

For more advice and tips on coping with emotional changes, stress and anxiety during (and after) pregnancy, have a look at: