Prevention Service

The Prevention Service are a specialist service for vulnerable children and young people. They are a targeted and needs led service which aims to support children and young people who have identified vulnerabilities and contextualised safeguarding concerns.

The Prevention Service work directly with children and young people between 10 and 18 on a 1:1 basis or in targeted groups and take referrals from professionals, concerned family members/carers and children and young people themselves.

As a preventative service the aim is to put a tailored package of support in place to improve life chances and outcomes for children and young people at risk of later criminal justice involvement, exploitation, and frequent missing episodes.

The team works closely with partner agencies, statutory services and the Youth Services Contextual Safeguarding Practice Lead in order to develop multi-disciplinary contextual safeguarding action plans that reflect an integrated communities approach.

If you need further details, please contact the team on 0114 2057450 or email or call us free on 0800 138 838

The Contextualised Safeguarding Practice Lead

The Contextualised Safeguarding Practice Lead sits with Prevention Services. The role includes facilitating the development of knowledge and skills and promotes the core concepts and principles of Contextual safeguarding. This not only highlights the importance of understanding risk of harm outside the home for children and young people but also enables stronger universal community-based collaboration and partnerships.

Training has been developed for professionals and includes:

· Training and development for staff and young people.

· Parent advice and support workshops

· Young person advice and support workshops

· Contextualised safeguarding assessment of need

· Opportunities to discuss contextualised strategies and developments within your setting.

· Connections to other Youth based prevention services within the city.

Get in touch! Contextualised Safeguarding Practise Lead

How to refer

Services - including education settings and health workers - can refer families using an Early Help Assessment.  You can find the form and guidance under links and documents on this page. 

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