Mental capacity: legal information and support

This page has details of organisations that give mental capacity and financial management information and/or support.

There’s more information about what mental capacity is, and the rules involved on the main information page.

Mental capacity: making your own decisions (and help when you can’t).

There are also specialist charities and organisations that may also be able to help you. Get more details from our information for you page.

Mental capacity: information for you.

The Law Society.

The Law Society is the independent professional body for solicitors in England and Wales. They have a database of legal professionals to help you find a solicitor, and advice on Power of Attorney. They also have page that explains common legal issues, advice on using a solicitor, and a page for legal words and names (called a glossary).

The Law Society: Power of Attorney. Find a solicitor. Common legal issues. Using a solicitor. Legal glossary.

Your guide to financial matters for older people (PDF, 407 KB).

Mental Health Law Online.

Mental Health Law Online: Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice. Best interests.

Disability Law Service.

Disability Law Service: Mental capacity (PDF 80 KB).
Disability Law Service: Lasting Powers of Attorney (PDF, 115 KB).

Court of Protection Handbook.

The Court of Protection Handbook website has guides and resources to help people understand how the Court works.

Court of Protection Handbook: Resources.
A basic guide to the Court of Protection (PDF, 200 KB).
Taking part in the Court of Protection easy read (PDF, 625 KB).
What do all the legal words mean? (PDF, 15 KB).

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