Reducing the risk of developing dementia

Did you know that 40% of Dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by making small changes that would reduce the risk throughout your life? Find out more:

Alzheimer’s Society: 40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed .

Not all types of Dementia can be prevented, but evidence shows a healthy and active lifestyle can help reduce your risk of developing Dementia.

NHS: Reduce your risk of developing Dementia.

We know that ‘what’s good for your heart is good for your brain’, so the best ways to prevent Dementia are by:

  • eating a healthy, balanced diet.
  • maintaining a healthy weight.
  • exercising regularly.
  • keeping alcohol within recommended limits.
  • stopping smoking.
  • keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level.

Other ways to help prevent dementia are by:

  • addressing hearing loss as early as possible (to avoid social isolation).
  • treating depression.
  • keeping socially active (to avoid loneliness and isolation).
  • keeping your brain active and engaged.

There are also some Dementia risk factors that are difficult or impossible to change:

  • age (although Dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing).
  • genetic factors.
  • lower levels of education.
  • traumatic brain injury.

Find out more.

Alzheimer's Society: Dementia Risk Factors and managing the risk.

Risk factors are aspects of your lifestyle, environment and genetic background that increase the likelihood of getting a disease.  Risk factors on their own are not causes of a disease. Rather, risk factors represent an increased chance, but not a certainty, that dementia will develop. Similarly, having little or no exposure to risk factors does not necessarily protect a person from developing Dementia. 

A healthy lifestyle can also help prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as Stroke or a heart attack, which are themselves risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and vascular Dementia (the 2 most common types of Dementia).

NHS: Stroke. Heart attack. Alzheimer's disease. Vascular Dementia.

Use the Think Brain Health Check-in to help you explore your brain healthy behaviours and give you simple tips on how you can give your brain some love.

Alzheimer's Research UK: Think Brain Health Check-in.

There is strong evidence that unaddressed hearing loss in mid-life is a risk factor for Dementia. Research encourages the use of hearing aids for hearing loss, and reducing hearing loss by protecting ears from high noise levels. Find out more.

Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID): Hearing loss and dementia: how are they linked?

There is strong evidence that smoking can increase your risk of dementia. Stopping smoking will reduce your risk of developing dementia in later life. An estimated 14% of cases of Dementia are caused by smoking. Find out more.

Alzheimer's Society: Smoking and dementia.

Ash (Action on Smoking and Health): Smoking and Dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK: All you need to know about smoking and dementia.

Taking regular physical exercise is one of the best things that you can do to reduce your risk of getting Dementia. Find out more.

Alzheimer's Society: Physical exercise and dementia.

Support with healthy eating and weight management

Get NHS advice and tips for eating a healthy, balanced diet which can help you feel your best.

NHS: Eat Well.

Get the facts about sugar and make some simple swaps to keep you and your family healthy.

Sheffield Is Sweet Enough.

Access a free and inclusive weight management service for anyone in Sheffield.

Sheffield - Morelife UK.

Support with keeping physically active

Local parks, playgrounds, woodlands and green spaces across Sheffield to enjoy.

Sheffield City Council: Park and Green Spaces in Sheffield.

Details of volunteer-led walks and wheels-friendly walks in all areas of Sheffield throughout the week.

Step Out Sheffield.

Get details of all-ability cycling in Hillsborough Park for any adult who can’t ride a 2-wheel bike due to disability or a long-term health condition.

Sheffield Cycling4All.

For details of outdoor gyms and park fitness classes in Sheffield.

Sheffield City Council: Fitness in parks

Move More Sheffield has created a booklet you can download and print with advice for older people on how to to stay active and healthy at home.

Move More Sheffield: Active at home booklet (PDF, 3.6 MB).

Support with keeping socially active

People Keeping Well – a network of local organisations which can help you to:

  • get fit and active through exercise sessions and health walks
  • increase your confidence and skills by joining courses such as cooking, art and gardening
  • get connected with people in your local area
  • reduce feelings of loneliness by joining local groups and social cafes

People Keeping Well Dementia support – memory cafes, dementia groups and dementia support in your local Sheffield area.

Support to quit smoking

Get free support to quit smoking, including telephone support, face to face sessions, and an online quitting program.

SmokeFree Sheffield: Inspiring a smokefree generation in Sheffield.

Support to reduce drinking

Get free information, advice, support and treatment to help you make changes to your drinking and begin your recovery journey from Sheffield's drug and alcohol support service Likewise.

Likewise: Waythrough.

Local and national Dementia support

Main Dementia advice page

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